My Biggest Regret After My Doggo Died-Don’t Let it Be Yours

July 10, 2019

Girl hugging a golden retriever

When was the last time you had professional photographs taken with yourself and your doggo or other pets? Recently? Years? Never?


We’re all guilty of putting things like this off. There is always an excuse:

  • I want to lose some weight first
  • My pet is too wild for a photoshoot
  • I just don’t feel up to it today
  • My face has been breaking out a ton lately maybe next month
  • It’s too hot/cold


Sound familiar? The list goes on. 

Girl crouches next to golden retriever

My business is built on the memory of my dog Slash and the lack of photos I have of us together. Slash was unexpectedly diagnosed with cancer at only 5.5 years old. The cancer was very aggressive and the vet said he may not make it through the night. The next morning I had to put him to sleep. After he was gone, I regretted that I only had one professional photoshoot with him when was when my high school senior portraits were taken by Woodsides Photography, (the first image in this blog,) and that’s it. I hardly have any amateur photos taken with him either by me or others because, yep, you guessed it, “I’ll wait till I look better, feel better, when my hair grows out more.”

Just this past month,

I had plans with a friend to take some photos of her dog alone and some with her. I took the photos of him and then she opted out of taking the photos with him because she didn’t feel great/pretty/it was hot/her makeup was sweating off. All the things. That night, sadly, he passed away at the age of 16. The first thing she said to me after the shock wore off, was that she regretted not taking photos with him that day. Don’t let fear or self doubts stand in your way. You will regret it.

I have a mission!

That mission is to ensure no one wastes their life waiting for “the right time” to get photos taken of them and their pawtastic companions. Animals are here for such a short time and you need to take advantage of the moments you have. You probably have a camera roll full of photos of your pet by themselves (probably sleeping right? haha.) Most likely you have a ton of photos with your pet and other members of your family, other pets, kids, significant others, but not so much of the two of you together.

Golden Retriever Eyeball Tampa Florida Davis IslandsSo guess what,

I’m calling you out. Yes YOU! It’s time for you to get those photos taken! We live in a society that is centered around social media. We worry too much about what we look like to everyone around us. Of course you want to have the best looking photos and you want to look your best if you’re going to share them with anyone. I get it. But hear me out, what if you just got the photos for what they are for, YOU! You don’t have to share them with anyone, they are for you to have visual memories of you and your pet. Besides, I bet once you have them, you’ll want to share them no matter how you look because it’s you and your pet. They are amazing and so are you!




Jess & Lily

Girl standing in a field holding up an Australian shepherd in her arms-Jessica Shaw Tampa Florida Lifestyle Pet Photography






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